2022年9月3日 Dharma service

明天 03/09/2022 上午 11 點
諷誦 「父母恩重難報經」 三皈依,為父母親友祈願文,接隨堂超薦,總迴向。
歡迎回寺參加或網路直播,請登入 Facebook 群組參與。


Auspicious Greeting!
We will be doing a live broadcast for the dharma service tomorrow at 11 am.
We will recite “The Difficulty of Repaying the Profound Kindness of Parents Sutra.”
taking the Triple Gem, A Prayer for Our Parents, Relatives, and Friends,
fellow the dedication merits to the Deceased”.
Welcome to the temple, or join the dharma service via our Facebook group.
From Er You Temple


Please login to the URL below for the online session.
Computer/電腦: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fgseytDharmaService/

Mobile/電話: https://m.facebook.com/groups/fgseytDharmaService/