Medicine Buddha Dharma Service 2024 药师法会

2024 佛光山尔有寺藥師法會功德登記表
Merit Registration Form
for Er You Temple Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

2024 藥師佛聖誕法會修持記錄表
Practice Registration Form for Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

Guan Yin Bodhisattva Dharma Services 观音法会

Merit Registration Form
for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Great Compassion Repentance Service

Practice Form
for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Renunciation Day

Sutra Copying 抄经静心

Meditation Practice 禅修

Next events

July 2024Sat
第二週六:地藏法會(地藏經卷中)2nd week Saturday: Ksitigarbha Dharma Service (Ksitigarbha Sutra Part 2)
10: 30 AMEryou Temple
July 2024Sat
暨 光明燈消災法會 – 農曆六月十五
Guan Yin Bodhisattva Enlightenment Day
Great Repentance Dharma Service & Light Offering Dharma Service – 15th Day of 6th Lunar Month
10:30AMEryou Temple
July 2024Wed
觀世音菩薩成道日點燈祈福法會 – 農曆六月十九Guan Yin Bodhisattva Enlightenment Day
Light Offering Dharma Service – 19th Day of 6th Lunar Month
11: 00 AMEryou Temple
July 2024Sat
第四週六:地藏法會(地藏經卷下)4th week Saturday: Ksitigarbha Dharma Service (Ksitigarbha Sutra Part 3)
10: 30 AMEryou Temple


Er You Temple

“Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple.”  The meaning (translated from Chinese) is “You have a temple”, he explains “There are not many Buddhist temples in Melbourne. It seems significant that with Er You Temple, you have a temple, and also that ‘I’ have a temple. The importance of Er You Temple to Melbournians is significant, it can become a place for Melbournians to recharge spiritually.


Fo Guang Shan (literally meaning the Buddha’s Light Mountain) is one of the largest Buddhist monasteries in the world operating over 300 branch temples and several educational institutions. In Australia and New Zealand, there are 12 Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temples, 10 of which are in Australia, and 2 in the state of Victoria. Fo Guang Shan also operates Nan Tien Institute, Australia’s first government-accredited tertiary institution grounded in Buddhist values and wisdom.

Venerable Master Hsing Yun (1927 – 2023)


Venerable Master Hsing Yun was born in Chiangsu Province, China in 1927 and entered a monastery near Nanjing at age twelve. He is the founder of the Fo Guang Shan International Buddhist Order, headquartered in Taiwan, and supports temples worldwide. The Order emphasizes education and service and maintains public universities, Buddhist colleges, libraries, publishing houses, Buddhist art galleries and tearooms, free mobile medical clinics, children’s homes, retirement homes, high schools, and television stations. The Order’s lay service organization, Buddha’s Light International Association, has active chapters worldwide.

Humanistic Buddhism

Humanistic Buddhism teaches that one can live fully in this human world and practice Buddhism simultaneously. The two endeavors are not separate. They support each other perfectly by enabling one to cultivate wisdom that clearly understands the true nature of reality. Humanistic Buddhism encourages one to integrate the Buddha’s teachings of tolerance, loving-kindness, compassion, joyfulness, and equanimity into our lives for the benefit of all beings.


Level 1 and 2, 42 Rutland Road, Box Hill, VIC, 3128

Opening hours: 

Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Phone: +61 3 9890 3996
